हिंदू समाज की सुरक्षा: शास्त्र के साथ शस्त्र की आवश्यकता और ब्राह्मणों की भूमिका
यदि पूज्य संतों, महंतों, शास्त्रियों और प्रसिद्ध कथावाचकों से लेकर सत्यनारायण भगवान की कथा कहने वाले पूज्य ब्राह्मणों तथा गांव देहात में श्री रामचरित मानस और श्रीमद् भागवत कथा कहने वाले प्रवचनकर्ताओं तक मेरा यह आलेख पहुंचेगा और किसी एक ने भी मेरे भाव को समझ लिया तो मेरा लिखना सार्थक हो जाएगा। पहले दो प्रसंग पर ध्यान आकर्षित कर रहा हूं। प्रसंग एक : मेरा एक हिंदू परिवार में जाना हुआ। पढ़ा लिखा परिवार था। उनके दरवाजे पर अचानक दो सांड लड़ते हुए आए और उनकी गाड़ी में टकरा गए, महंगी गाड़ी में दोंचा आ गया। वो अंदर से पानी का जग भरकर लाए और सांड पर फेंका ताकि वो भाग जाएं। लेकिन सांडों का संघर्ष जारी रहा मैंने कहा ये ऐसे नहीं भागेंगे आप डंडा लाओ। वो अंदर गए लेकिन फिर से एक जग पानी भर कर लाए लेकिन तब तक सांड वहां खड़ी उनकी एक बाइक पटक कर भाग गए। मैने फिर कहा भाई साहब पानी के बजाए आप पहली बार में ही डंडा लाते तो बाइक बच सकती थी। इसपर उनका जबाव सुनकर मैं स्तब्ध हुआ। वो बोले भाई अपने को डंडे की जरूरत कभी पड़ी ही नहीं इसलिए घर में डंडा है ही नहीं। प्रसंग
Will weight loss drugs kill the fast food business?
Many firms see the dire forecasts as ‘overblown’ but they know they will have to adapt products to make ‘every bite must count’ On a drizzly morning Luton’s takeaways are preparing for the lunchtime rush. McDonald’s is busy with shoppers, while chains from Subway to German Doner Kebab are opening their doors for the approaching army of hungry stomachs. The Bedfordshire town is one of the UK’s worst spots for obesity, with one hospital admission linked to weight for every 20 residents in 2022. That toll is more than 10 times the rate in Bracknell Forest, Berkshire, according to NHS data. Continue reading… Business | The Guardian
State pensioners urged to do ‘£93.60 test’ to make sure they are paid the right amount
This is especially important as the DWP has recently been checking for underpayment errors.
Alaska Airlines grounds Boeing 737 Max 9 planes after mid-air window blowout
Chunk of fuselage also broke away, forcing emergency landing shortly after takeoff from Portland, Oregon Alaska Airlines is grounding all Boeing 737 Max 9 planes after a window and a chunk of fuselage on one of the aircraft blew out in mid-air shortly after takeoff. An Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max 9 had to make an emergency landing shortly after taking off from Portland, Oregon, on Friday. Continue reading… Business | The Guardian
Housing market tipped to come roaring back despite record drop in first-time buyers
The number of first-time buyers who bought a home with a mortgage in 2023 was the lowest in a decade.
‘Jobs will be next’: TV ad slump prompts more fear among staff
As TV faces worst decline in ad revenue in 15 years, drought is forcing broadcasters to embrace streaming to bridge income gap Talk of job cuts took the place of the usual toasts and chatter about bonuses at the UK’s biggest broadcasters over Christmas as the industry faces the worst decline in traditional TV advertising in 15 years. The slump in the sector’s main source of income – down 12.5% over the past year – prompted the Channel 4 chief executive, Alex Mahon, to declare that TV broadcasters were in “market shock territory”. Continue reading… Business | The Guardian
हिंदू समाज की सुरक्षा: शास्त्र के साथ शस्त्र की आवश्यकता और ब्राह्मणों की भूमिका
यदि पूज्य संतों, महंतों, शास्त्रियों और प्रसिद्ध कथावाचकों से लेकर सत्यनारायण भगवान की कथा कहने वाले पूज्य ब्राह्मणों तथा गांव देहात में श्री रामचरित मानस और श्रीमद् भागवत कथा कहने वाले प्रवचनकर्ताओं तक मेरा यह आलेख पहुंचेगा और किसी एक ने भी मेरे भाव को समझ लिया तो मेरा लिखना
Will weight loss drugs kill the fast food business?
Many firms see the dire forecasts as ‘overblown’ but they know they will have to adapt products to make ‘every bite must count’ On a drizzly morning Luton’s takeaways are preparing for the lunchtime rush. McDonald’s is busy with shoppers, while chains from Subway to German Doner Kebab are opening
State pensioners urged to do ‘£93.60 test’ to make sure they are paid the right amount
This is especially important as the DWP has recently been checking for underpayment errors.
Alaska Airlines grounds Boeing 737 Max 9 planes after mid-air window blowout
Chunk of fuselage also broke away, forcing emergency landing shortly after takeoff from Portland, Oregon Alaska Airlines is grounding all Boeing 737 Max 9 planes after a window and a chunk of fuselage on one of the aircraft blew out in mid-air shortly after takeoff. An Alaska Airlines Boeing 737
Housing market tipped to come roaring back despite record drop in first-time buyers
The number of first-time buyers who bought a home with a mortgage in 2023 was the lowest in a decade.
‘Jobs will be next’: TV ad slump prompts more fear among staff
As TV faces worst decline in ad revenue in 15 years, drought is forcing broadcasters to embrace streaming to bridge income gap Talk of job cuts took the place of the usual toasts and chatter about bonuses at the UK’s biggest broadcasters over Christmas as the industry faces the worst
हिंदू समाज की सुरक्षा: शास्त्र के साथ शस्त्र की आवश्यकता और ब्राह्मणों की भूमिका
यदि पूज्य संतों, महंतों, शास्त्रियों और प्रसिद्ध कथावाचकों से लेकर सत्यनारायण भगवान की कथा कहने वाले पूज्य ब्राह्मणों तथा गांव देहात में श्री रामचरित मानस
Will weight loss drugs kill the fast food business?
Many firms see the dire forecasts as ‘overblown’ but they know they will have to adapt products to make ‘every bite must count’ On a
State pensioners urged to do ‘£93.60 test’ to make sure they are paid the right amount
This is especially important as the DWP has recently been checking for underpayment errors.
Alaska Airlines grounds Boeing 737 Max 9 planes after mid-air window blowout
Chunk of fuselage also broke away, forcing emergency landing shortly after takeoff from Portland, Oregon Alaska Airlines is grounding all Boeing 737 Max 9 planes
Housing market tipped to come roaring back despite record drop in first-time buyers
The number of first-time buyers who bought a home with a mortgage in 2023 was the lowest in a decade.
‘Jobs will be next’: TV ad slump prompts more fear among staff
As TV faces worst decline in ad revenue in 15 years, drought is forcing broadcasters to embrace streaming to bridge income gap Talk of job